P-04-480 Address Private Sector Student Housing Standards

Petition wording:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to investigate the problems raised in the recent Aberystwyth Housing Survey Report 2012 which has raised concerns about the poor standard of student accommodation and the correspondingly poor treatment of students in the private rented sector. Furthermore, we call on the Welsh Government to engage in a full and frank consultation with the affected communities on this neglected issue while ensuring that current housing legislation and new measures by the relevant authorities are properly observed to help raise standards in the private rental sector.


Student housing has been a constant issue in Aberystwyth for many years. A report published in December 2012 surveyed students on their housing experiences and details the issues that they have been facing.


Petition raised by:  Aberystwyth Student’s Union


Date petition first considered by Committee: 15 May 2013


Number of signatures:188